Ali Rashan, M.D., M.S. is an Anesthesiologist and Surgeon practicing in Los Angeles, CA.
Dr. Rashan completed his residency and Postdoctoral Fellowship at Stanford University focused on General Surgery and Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, and also completed residency at Anesthesiology at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey. His background lies in molecular biology, biotechnology, communications, and flow cytometry.
Dr. Rashan is also the founder of ClearMD Health where, through innovative collaboration with automation technology and robotics laboratories, he and his team contributed to the fight against COVID-19 and provided a high volume of testing in New York City at its peak during the pandemic.
Having spent many years as a freelance photographer, Dr. Rashan enjoys photography in his spare time. In 2011, he founded a humanitarian project called "Kameras for Kids," with the goal of exposing children to the art of photography through hands-on learning experiences and encouraging their storytelling through the art form.
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